Happy Chinese New Year from Bare Bones Tiki!

Celebrate the Chinese New Year with a Cobra's Fang!

Uri Sacharow

Happy Year of the Snake!

Is there any better way to kick off a new year than with a classic tiki cocktail - and is there any better cocktail for the year than the Cobra's Fang? 

Check out this video from Spike's Breezeway Hour to see how it's made:


Red Joy Light Swizzles from Bare Bones Tiki Unlit with Matching Mug from Taboo Relics

Want to make the awesome garnish that often goes with a Cobra's Fang? (Yeah, it's one of our favorite parts too.) You can find it in this blog from Summit Sips, which also includes a related recipe called the Sidewinder's Fang from Martin Cate of Smuggler's Cove.

And of course what else could be a more festive addition than our Joy Light Swizzle

However you celebrate, make sure to celebrate responsibly. 


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